Choose a plan that
fits your requirements.


per month

$13 $15 Billed Yearly
  • 768 x 1152 HQ
  • Unlimited Images
  • 2500 Krystals/month
  • Tavern
  • Chat History
  • Upscale images
  • Image to Image
  • Remove Watermark
  • Commercial Use
  • Discord & Telegram
  • Edit Images
  • Styles / Poses (All)
  • Models Tooltip Ejemplo
    • Kuro AI
    • Realistic
    • Dream
    • Disney
    • Anime
    • Photo
    • Entropy
    • Seoul
    • Ultra Real
    • Semi-Realistic
    • PikAnime
    • TianMix

per month

$23 $28 Billed Yearly
  • 1024 x 1536 HQ
  • Unlimited Images
  • 6000 Krystals/month
  • Tavern
  • Chat History
  • Upscale images
  • Image to Image
  • Remove Watermark
  • Commercial Use
  • Discord & Telegram
  • Edit Images
  • Styles / Poses (All)
  • Models (All)

per month

$15 Monthly
  • 768 x 1152 HQ
  • Unlimited Images
  • 2500 Krystals/month
  • Tavern
  • Chat History
  • Upscale images
  • Image to Image
  • Remove Watermark
  • Commercial Use
  • Discord & Telegram
  • Edit Images
  • Styles / Poses (All)
  • Models Tooltip Ejemplo
    • Kuro AI
    • Realistic
    • Dream
    • Disney
    • Anime
    • Photo
    • Entropy
    • Seoul
    • Ultra Real
    • Semi-Realistic
    • PikAnime
    • TianMix

per month

$28 Monthly
  • 1024 x 1536 HQ
  • Unlimited Images
  • 6000 Krystals/month
  • Tavern
  • Chat History
  • Upscale images
  • Image to Image
  • Remove Watermark
  • Commercial Use
  • Discord & Telegram
  • Edit Images
  • Styles / Poses (All)
  • Models (All)

Smart Pricing
Strong on features.


Chat with your Waifu

Imagine the perfect anime partner—now make them real. Customize their personality, request them photos, and personalize the way you interact.

Beyond Imagination

AI Companion

Push the boundaries of creativity. Don’t just watch anime—live it! Create scenarios, build relationships, and watch your virtual companion react and grow. The possibilities are limitless…


Create Characters

Create the most uncensored version of your character: personalize their appearance, style, traits, and more. Design any character you want and have them send you photos!


Image Generation

Create your character and ask for photos from them. Customize everything you want with the help of our AI.


Import Characters

More than 500,000 single-character models ready to use and over 1,000 new ones daily. Search and import your new favorite characters and generate them.


Imagine and create

Using Spells, you can import and generate any new character, pose, style, or anything you can imagine on AI art or Tavern.

Transform your ideas

Image To Image

Curious how your friends or you would look in anime or your waifus as real models? Now you can. Transform any image and explore endless possibilities with Image to Image.


Manipulate Reality

Whether you’re transforming yourself into art, envisioning the extraordinary, or simply adding a touch of magic to your visuals, Image to Image takes you there.

Before After

Edit Images

Use Edit mode to change any image. Simply upload an image, select an area and replace it with whatever AI creation you desire. Photo editing for images has never been this simple.


Edit Images

With inPaint, you have the power to remove, add, erase, or modify anything to suit your preferences. Explore boundaries never visited before and step into the world of AI with Kuro.


Spells & Poses

Instantly pose your AI waifu with 500,000 spells for millions variations. Creation made simple. Changing your pose, character or style is just one click away.

Choose your poison


Do you have a favorite character? Generate whatever you want in any position; we add new content daily. Explore endless possibilities. 

Unlimited images

Create 🔥 images 

Create anything imaginable, without the need to draw, and within seconds. Pursue what you’ve always desired. Through the lens of creativity, your imagination blossoms into reality.


Text to Image

Explore a world of limitless possibilities through the magic of AI. Simply express your ideas through words as the Kuro AI brings your imagination to life in captivating visuals, crafted just for you.

Unlimited Upscaling

Upscale Images

Upscale all your images unlimitedly with just one click, doubling the resolution in seconds.


Manipulate Reality

Achieve double the resolution for all your images effortlessly. With just one click, upscale your visuals to unprecedented clarity. 

Before After

See the advantages

40€ per image

Traditional Artist - $40

  • 1 Portrait
  • 2 Revisions
  • 4 Days delivery
Unlimited images

Kuro AI - $15

  • Unlimited Images
  • Less than 10 seconds per image
  • Unlimited revisions
  • Unlimited possibilities
  • Image to Image
  • Generate your friends
  • Upscale to 3000x2000
  • Portrait/Landscapes/Abstract
  • Game Art/Anime/Manga
  • 3D/Characters/Chibi/Disney
  • Realistic and anime models
40 images per 4 hours

ChatGPT DALL·E - $20

  • 40 images per 4 hours
  • 1 model
  • 1 resolution
  • Tavern & Create characters
  • Image to Image
  • Discord & Telegram
  • Edit Images
  • Import new characters
  • Upscale images
  • Poses/Styles
Unlimited images

Kuro AI - $15

  • Unlimited Images
  • 17 models and 500.000 spells
  • Multiple resolutions
  • Tavern & Create characters
  • Image to Image
  • Discord & Telegram
  • Edit Images
  • Import new characters
  • Upscale Images
  • Poses/Styles

Unlock Kuro AI >

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take for my subscription and krystals to activate?

Once the payment is detected, it is automatically added immediately. The Krystals are also added immediately to your account once the membership is purchased, and subsequent ones are delivered monthly.

Is my payment secure?

Yes. We never have access to your debit/credit card information. Payments are handled through Stripe and Paypal, two payment processors trusted by millions of companies worldwide and protected with state-of-the-art technologies. 

Can I stop my subscription anytime?

Yes. You can stop your subscription at any time by going to your Membership tab on your profile. Your subscription will still be valid until the end of the period you have paid for, but you will not be charged anymore. Do you need help? Don't panic. Contact us at

What are Krystals for?

Krystals are used in the tavern, for interacting with your waifus or created characters, and also for utilizing spells in AI art. Here, you can import and use over 300,000 spells, which are updated daily.

How do I activate Telegram and Discord?

In your profile settings, you can easily input your usernames for Telegram and Discord. Once saved, they will automatically synchronize across all platforms. 

How can I use Discord/Telegram bot?

Utilize the bot with commands: /draw (free), /drawQ (basic), /drawHQ (premium for higher quality), /drawSHQ & /drawXHQ (Ultra). Same for 'Images to image' with /imagine. Also, upscale images with /scale for improved quality. Attach images for 'Imagine' and 'Scale.' For help, use /start on Telegram or Discord.

What is image to image?

"Image-to-image" refers to using AI to turn your picture into a customized version based on text instructions, essentially using your imagination to create art. The AI reads your text, understands your ideas, and modifies the image to match what you describe, resulting in a unique artistic transformation.

What does “DM usage” and "private" mean?

With DM Usage, you can employ /drawHQ and /imagine functions within Discord and Telegram while conversing with KURO AI in Direct Messages or other servers. The term "Private" signifies that you can publish and have your content privately on a web browser.